Wednesday 26 June 2013

Knitting- who knew!

Many months have passed, and I have been one busy beaver!  I started work again, leaving little time for craft- except at nights. So, have found myself knitting in front of the telly.  I have not kept a record of how many squares I have knitted- but it is lots.  At the moment, I am working on a port power blanket.  I have so much left over wool from making Megan's blanket!

This pile is probably one third of what I have made!  A friend has lent me the entire series of McCleod's Daughters, so I am finding it easy to sit, watch, and knit!

What's next?  I have some crosstitch waiting to be done- although that takes much more concentration.  I am hoping to buy fabric to make Megan a patchwork quilt for her birthday (Rachael got hers at 4- Megan will be 5!)- that will take my attention for approximately 3 months!  Then.....  stay tuned!

Funny story... I was knitting the red, blue and yellow ones, and Megan walked past and said, "that's not for us is it?".  "NO!" I replied. "oh, good- we don't like the Crows."  "Why's that?" I inquired!  "They cheat, and their boss is not even allowed to go watch the footy, he has to stay home and watch it at home!"  So much knowledge from a 4 year old.  Apparently they also cheat because the run up to the Port players and say "Boo" and we drop the ball!  (If only that didn't hold a little truth!)

'Til next time...

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Country Style Tea Towels

Back when... I lived on the farm, I began appliquing a set of tea towels... Old MacDonald Had a Farm style.  It was to be a set of three.  Well, I have finally finished two of them, and can't decide whether it is worth my time making the third, as I no longer live on a farm, I do not really want to keep the tea towels.  So, I am putting it out there.  Does anyone want to buy these tea towels from me.  They are 100% Cotton (nice and thick) and 60 by 90cms  (Large, with captial L).  I would sell the two for $14.  If you like the idea, for yourself, or as a present for someone else, and wish to have a third towel made, it will be red, with a farmer, a bag of wool and an old style milk can (all 3 for $20).  Let me know what you think.  'Can' this craft, or continue!

Oh, and an update on my last post... I met with a lady today who organises many other women to knit squares, which she then sews together to make blankets.  I gave the raggy rug (from the last post) to her, to give away.  She provides blankets for Yarredi Women's Shelter, Youthoria (Youth services) and for children, who are being privately counselled following abuse or family trauma.  Watch this space... I am exploring whether this is a path I want, or God wants me, to travel down!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

3 more jobs finished!  A knee raggy rug with left over material - this one is going to someone in need.  Finally after 5 years, I have finished Megan's Port Power blanket for her bed.  And, a fourth cushion for our lounge.  (Just a hint, when you buy a new lounge suit, order some extra material in a few different tones, to make matching arm rests and cushions.)

Now what?  Oh yes, I still have more unfinished projects in my cupboard!

Thursday 31 January 2013

Just a little craft dappling!

Over the Christmas holidays, I almost caught up with my kids photo albums and journals, I am now only a year behind.  AND, I have printed the photos, so ready to go again at any moment.

I spent the last week sewing!  My youngest needed a library bag, so I made both girls a bag.  It has their names sewn on and a pocket in the handle for their library cards.

I also made curtains for the cubby house, stitched a baptism card, made a "Nanna's Legacy" album for my mum's birthday, made many fruit straps (dried roll ups), and lots of pasta sauce from the many kilos of tomatoes we have grown.

Now that school is back, I can do a few more sewing jobs, and then back onto my albums (that is until I start work... which is.... soon-ish??)